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網樂交響管樂團 (Cyber Symphonic Winds) 於⼆零⼀⼋年由⼀班熱愛⾳樂的團員成⽴。我們相信⾳樂能匯聚不同地區網絡及各年齡階層⼈⼠,希望能透過定期練習及表演,培養團員對管樂合奏的熱誠。同時亦冀望向社會推廣及分享不同管樂的⾵格及⽂化,打破管樂⾳樂固有刻板的形象,為社會帶來不同的詮釋,從⽽提升團員及⼤眾對享受⾳樂的興趣。

Established in 2018, Cyber Symphonic Winds is founded by a group of enthusiastic musicians dedicated to promoting the diverse music genres that can connect everyone in our community. With regular rehearsals and performances, we hope to motivate our members for a strong passion and commitment to the winds. We are also eagerly committed to presenting audiences with different new music forms. An integral part of our activities alongside holding performances is an extensive education and community outreach activities hoping to bring the joy and art of wind music to the wider community in Hong Kong.