香港演奏家管樂團周年音樂會2020 | 合作演出
Hong Kong Performers Winds Annual Concert2020

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最多音樂會的一年。過去數月疫症肆虐,樂團無奈取消了六場音樂會,暫停運作,收支嚴重失衡。 七月的周年音樂會是樂團期待已久的演出機會,特別邀請四個原訂於過去數月與本團合作的團體參與。我們希望在這最壞也是最好的時代,以我們最愛的音樂為觀眾及演出者帶來慰藉。

The year 2020 was originally a year that we organise the greatest number of concerts in recent years if we did not have to cancel six concerts due to the pandemic. It was extremely difficult for a small and self-financed community group to survive in the past few months with concert cancellation and suspension of daily operation. In this longed-for Annual Concert in July, we resumed the collaboration with four performing groups by inviting them to perform with us to share the joy of music and performing music in the worst and the best of times.