
畢業於香港教育大學 創意藝術與文化榮譽文學士 ,主修音樂,在學期間 專注研究 傳統 猶太音樂 Klezmer演奏和教學法 ;於 2019年 參與獨奏比賽 中取得 冠軍 獲取 優秀藝術獎 並以第一名的成績畢業 獲得優秀學業獎 。 繼 年 於 香港教育大學音樂教育文學碩士 以 榮 譽 畢業生 身份 畢業 。 曾氏 自從 2005年開始學習單簧管 ,師承低音單簧管手方濤老師 。 曾氏曾參與多個音樂團體,並專注於古典音樂表演 ; 現為中國香港青年交響樂團低音 單簧管手、德明愛樂管樂團 E-flat及第二單簧管手和 網樂交響管樂團 首席 。 過往,曾 參與香港教育大學管弦樂團,並於 2019年擔任譜務一職;同年獲邀香港 國際 單簧管 節 大師音樂會 以 香港青年新一代單簧管演奏家 身份參與演出 。 自 2017年以來,曾氏持續 跟專業的單簧管演奏家進行大師班,例如, Chi-Yu Mo(倫敦交響樂團的首席 E-flat單 簧管) 、 Juan Ferrer(加利西亞交響樂團的首席單簧管 和 Andrew Marriner (前倫敦交 響樂團的首席單簧管 )獲得單簧管舞台表演藝術和單簧管演奏風格的眾多知識 。

Graduated from Education University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture, Music Major. During his academic time, Alex has majorly participated in researching Klezmer clarinet performance and pedagogy. Through his final year of bachelor study, he achieved champion in solo competition and has awarded the Artistic Excellence Award. In the same year, he also graduated with the Academic Excellence Award in honor to his Program First Place Graduation. In the following year, Alex graduated from the Education University of Hong Kong Master of Arts in Music Education with Distinction. Alex started learning clarinet since 2005, trained under bass clarinetist Richard Fong To. Through numerous years devolving into ensemble groups of Classical Music performance. Alex is now bass clarinetist of China Hong Kong Youth Symphony Orchestra; E-flat and second clarinetist of Tak Ming Philharmonic; and concertmaster of Cyber Symphony Winds. In 2019, Alex has served The Education University of Hong Kong Orchestra as Librarian; same year, he was also invited to perform in the Hong Kong International Clarinet Festival Masters Concert as a member of Hong Kong New Generation Young Clarinetists. Since 2017, Alex had consistent master class and advance lecture with professional clarinetists, for instance, Chi-Yu Mo (Principal E-flat Clarinet of the London Symphony Orchestra) and Juan Ferrer (Principal clarinet of the Galicia Symphonic Orchestra) and Andrew Marriner (Former Principal Clarinet of the London Symphony Orchestra) earning numerous knowledge on clarinet stage performing art and various playing style on clarinet.